Thursday, October 31, 2019
Doctors and patients Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Doctors and patients - Essay Example The patient happens to be the narrator of the story and told the story from a first-person account of the horrors surrounding the mental ailment of depression and a slow descent into insanity. The author gives a thinly-disguised autobiographical account of her sickness, how the people around her had responded to her predicament, such as her husband and her sister-in-law, while giving a dispassionate account of the shapes she supposedly found in the wallpaper of the room where she is confined. The other viewpoint in this story is the reaction of her doctor-husband, who took the rather nonchalant view of her ailment and considers her sickness to be the product of imagination only and therefore nothing very serious. From this perspective, her husband-doctor thinks that a good rest is all that was needed for her to easily recuperate and recover her senses. This short story gives readers a rough idea on how doctors of medicine usually think of their patients with regards to certain ailmen ts, and how they think about their patients, in general. Medicine as a practice or profession requires a certain kind of acceptable behavior as a modicum of acceptable social interaction. In short, doctors should exhibit a high degree of professionalism in their work at all times under all circumstances, according to strict ethical standards. The story is different when told from the perspective of a patient as contrasted with the view of the doctor. This gives the readers an excellent opportunity to evaluate and consider which viewpoint is more accurate in terms of details of an ailment, in this case, an incipient insanity of the wife. There will always be two sides to a coin, as in this case, there are also two sides to the same story. This paper likewise contrasts the two viewpoints regarding the severity or seriousness of the ailment. The similarity between the two viewpoints is that both husband and wife agreed to take a well-advised vacation by renting an isolated ancestral ho me. The doctor-husband came to the view his wife needed a change of scenery for her health to improve and the wife had agreed to the temporary move of three months only because she was hesitant to insist that she is not sick and two eminent doctors (her husband and also her own brother) had expressed their opinion that she was not really sick at all. Both spouses were in agreement the wife needing the rest to restore her mental health due to postpartum depression after childbirth (Schorkhuber, 2008, p. 4). The two spouses had originally been in disagreement as to which room to take among the several rooms in the large rented house; they eventually settled on a room on the second floor as the more appropriate choice for their purpose. The author-wife had initially preferred a ground floor room to take up residence but she later agreed to the second-floor room as the better choice because of the wonderful views it afforded of the surrounding areas, including the garden and the streets down below, up to the little private wharf of the estate, and to preoccupy her mind too. The two of them, once agreed on taking a second-floor room, decided on the playroom of the house, among the several rooms to be chosen. Both of them helped in clearing out some of the old furniture, moving some of these old items downstairs while bringing up some items they had brought along for the purpose of having a good rest and recuperation for the wife. However, the contrast is in the ulterior motive of each spouse as to why they choose that particular room. For the doctor-husband, it was the safe area in the house because the room had windows with the grills to prevent his
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Dominos Pizza Essay Example for Free
Dominos Pizza Essay Dominos Pizza UK ILR plc Parent company listed on the AIM. Dominos Pizza Group Ltd Runs Dominos Pizza in the UK and Ireland, holds the exclusive franchise license to own, operate and franchise the Dominos brand. Dominos Corporate Team Based at Milton Keynes, comprising over 200 employees. The Leadership Team Responsible for strategic decision-making. Marketing Understanding customers needs and publicising the Dominos brand. Developing new products and use of technology. Food Service Manufacturing fresh pizza dough and sourcing fresh ingredients. Buying in or inventing equipment. Information Technology Technology and e-commerce activities. Property Acquires store premises, oversees planning permission applications and refurbishes stores. Flawless Execution Not a form of capital punishment! Actually, Dominos training and operations, including career development and store check activities. Finance Organises finance for franchisees, as well as overseeing cashflow, budget planning, sales and purchase ledgers, payroll, accounts and credit services What is its mission statement? Exceptional People On A Mission To Be The Best Pizza Delivery Company In The World. This is part of Dominos Vision and Guiding Principles including these statements: * We Demand Integrity * Our People Come First. * We Take Great Care Of Our Customers. * We Make Perfect 10 Pizzas Every Day. * We Operate With Smart Hustle and Positive Energy Source: Dominos Pizza Web site What is their field of operation? Dominos Pizza The UK pizza delivery and takeaway market. This market was estimated to be worth nearly ? 450 million in 2000. What are their main products? Pizzas and other home delivery fast foods. Our Unique Products Reasons why we guarantee youââ¬â¢ll love our Hot Wow Pizzas! 1. Our Crusts Our world famous Classic Hand Tossedâ⠢ and New York crusts are hand stretched from fresh dough 2. Our Sauces Dominoââ¬â¢s Signature Sauce ââ¬â Made from fresh vine-ripened tomatoes Top Secret Sauce ââ¬â An aromatic blend of creamy, cheesy flavors with an unmistakable garlic zest! Spicy Sambal Sauce ââ¬â For those who like a bit of spice in their life! 3. Our Cheese we use generous amounts of 100% mozzarella cheese 4. Our Toppings We top all our pizzas with only the highest quality meats and the freshest ingredients 5. Finally, all our pizzas are made fresh as soon as you place your order What are their main brands? The Domino name carries the companys main brand as market leader in its field of operation. The companys logo is a distinctive part of the business brand. The three dots domino image comes from the founders idea that originally he would open three stores. Dominos HeatWave delivery bags, introduced into the UK in 2000, contain a patented disc that is pre-heated electrically. The companys use of this innovation is used as a marketing tool in its cable and satellite TV advertising. Where is their head office? The companys UK headquarters are at:Lasborough Road,Kingston,Milton Keynes. MK10 0AB. UK. When did the company start? The business was founded in the USA in 1960 by Tom Monaghan, who ran the business until retiring in 1998, when he sold the company for $1billion. By using the concept of franchising where other people are encouraged to invest money to open their own pizza store, Dominos quickly expanded to the point where it is the worlds largest pizza delivery company and the eighth largest fast food brand. In 2002 there was a total of more than 7000 stores in 64 markets worldwide, employing over 250 000 staff and involving more than 2000 franchises. Dominos started trading in the UK in 1985 with a store in Luton. In 2002 there were over 200 stores in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Who are its shareholders? Dominos Pizza UK IRL plc is quoted on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange (symbol: DOM). Who are their major competitors? The UK pizza delivery and takeaway market consists of many small businesses and the big three firms: Perfect Pizza, with over 200 outlets, Pizza Hut which has 170 restaurants and also delivers and Dominos. In Britain, pizzas are delivered by restaurants and a large range of outlets that also sell other food, like burgers and kebabs. It is estimated that there are as many as 4,000 pizza delivery companies. A look at a key feature of Dominos business. The Future Foundation Report (2003) was commissioned by Dominos Pizza to analyse the social, economic, demographic and technological factors likely to impact on the UK pizza delivery and takeaway market for the remainder of this decade. The following are some of the key points raised by the report: Lack of time the research shows that, on average, adults in the UK eat out and/or eat delivered/take-away meals around 80 times a year. The Foundation looks at the impact of freeing up time normally spent on preparing food at home, as creating a time oasis. Higher levels of disposable income real disposable household income is expected to increase by nearly 12% over the next five years resulting in more opportunity for expenditure on home delivered food. Demographic change over a twenty to thirty year period, the numbers of older people will continue to increase. The research suggests that firms in the home delivery market can benefit from this by building and keeping brand loyalty amongst a generation of people who have grown up as pizza consumers and whose incomes and affluence are likely to grow. In addition, there is expected to be a decline in the traditional family structure, which coupled with increasingly individualised tastes, will result in fewer formal family meals at home. Leisure activities the next decade will see more choice of a greater range of leisure activities. The research suggests that spending on home-delivered food and take-aways will continue increasing by 2. 5% a year on average during the next five years. Technology In the short term, (the five years from the date of the report), more people will have access to interactive technologies, up from. 70% today to 90%, and the number of broadband users will rise. These people will become better at and more confident about e-commerce and buying food online. The report indicates that home food delivery firms already active in this area are likely to be especially successful. What is the companys vision for growth? The company has a 20% share of the UK pizza delivery and takeaway market. This market was estimated to be worth nearly ? 450 million in 2000. At present, 20 percent of all pizzas consumed are delivered. This figure is expected to increase to 40 percent. Home delivery now makes up 70% of the total take-away and home delivered food sector, up from 62% in 1997. The Future Foundations report (see The Business section of this case study) estimates that the UKs home delivery pizza market will more than double by 2010 to approximately ? 800 million. Dominos believe that their business model and brand strength place them well to exploit this growth. Fast growth in franchised stores is planned, coupled with more aggressive marketing including terrestrial TV advertising and local store initiatives What is their policy on ensuring best quality product? Dominos HeatWave delivery bags contain a patented disc that is pre-heated electrically. This innovation, combined with the bags 3M Thinsulate lining and water-repellent nylon exterior, keeps the pizza hot during delivery. Pizza packaging plays an important part in ensuring the quality of the product on which the success of the business is based. Retaining heat and dispersing steam are the chief features of Dominos pizza packaging. Dominos training and operations, including career development and store check activities, through its Flawless Executions department, is another important element of the companys quality management. Packaging and the environment is clearly also a concern of Dominos. They state that more than 80% of the corrugated board used in their pizza boxes is made from recycled paper. The remainder is sourced from sustainable forests. The company encourages its customers to recycle their box packaging. The packaging for a pizza plays an important part in the marketing of the business: it carries the companys distinctive logo, and it also carries the product on which the success of the business is based. Protecting the product, retaining heat and dispersing steam are the chief functional features of Dominos pizza packaging. What sort of people work for the firm? Think about the type of person who wants to become a Dominos franchisee. What qualities do you think potential franchisees should have? What are the risks and what are the potential benefits? Do they have an equal opportunities policy? Yes. Dominos Pizza state that they are committed to the development of positive policies to promote equality of opportunity in employment. They aim to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of sex, marital status, race, colour, creed, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, age or disability. By how much has their workforce grown over recent years? In both 2001 and 2002 Dominos opened more than 225 new stores. Running each store takes a team of about 25 people. Team member numbers should therefore have risen significantly over this period. How are their employees motivated? Employees (or team members, as Dominos term them) are motivated and trained to offer high standards of customer service. Franchisees and their staff teams have access to training programmes and can attend corporate events in the UK and abroad. An awards system operates and some Dominos team members go on to buy their own franchise. It costs a fee of around ? 160 000 for the right to open your own Dominos Pizza store. This sum buys a fully-fitted store and enables the franchisee to use the company brand image, ingredients, recipes, marketing materials and packaging. The company does offer a finance service for franchisees. Can I have some information about product development? The company has developed or invented many of the systems and pieces of equipment that are now used as standard by the industry. Examples of these include: * Dominos HeatWave delivery bags, introduced into the UK in 2000, contain a patented disc that is pre-heated electrically. This innovation, combined with the bags 3M Thinsulate lining and water-repellent nylon exterior, keeps the pizza hot during delivery. * Nationwide service system through Internet and interactive TV ordering. What is their brand positioning? Dominos calculate that their brand awareness is 81% and that this is partly as a result of their sponsorship of The Simpsons, and also their marketing of the launch of their HeatWave heated delivery system. Can you give me some information about a recent marketing campaign? Dominos nationwide service system through Internet and interactive TV ordering is beginning to show results, with its e-commerce net sales increasing by over 25% in the six months to July 2002, totalling ? 1. 9 million. The company believe that their continued sponsorship of The Simpsons on the Sky TV service and increased advertising on cable and satellite channels gives them an unchallenged position at the forefront of delivered food by e-commerce. DOMINOS MALAYSIA ABOUT US Dominoââ¬â¢s Malaysia ââ¬â Milestonesââ¬â¢s and Achievements. 1997: Tom Monaghan, the founder of Dominos Pizza Inc, officially launched Dominos Pizza Malaysia in September 1997. 1998: The Crunchy Thin Crustâ⠢ pizza was introduced storewide. Dominos Malaysias commissary was recognized in the Annual Dominos International Audit as the Best Commissary in Asia Pacific. Dominos Malaysia embarks on its first community programme, the Dominos Points for Pizza Programme in support of education. Dominos partners in this 6-month programme were Hewlett Packard and Insoft. Dominos Malaysia holds the first Fastest Pizza Maker Competition. 1999: Launch of Dominos delivery number 1300-888-333 In December, Dominos expanded its operations to the state of Johor with the opening of 3 stores concurrently. Dominos Malaysia embarks on another 6-month charity campaign and aids two charitable homes, Rumah Ozanam and Montfort Boys Town through the Dominos Community Support Programme by raising a total of RM20,000 for both homes. Keeping true to their commitment to work and road safety, Dominos Malaysia organized the first Dominos Safety Rodeo to instill sound driving habits and knowledge in their delivery. riders. Tan Sri Dato Lee Lam Thye, Chairman of NIOSH officiated the event. The Dominos Millennium Gold Card launched in November. The card offers a Buy 1 Free 1 privilege. 2000: Launch of our first pasta-based side item, Spaghetti Chicken Bolognese Launch of our first dessert side item, Dominos Premium Ice Cream, available in Chocolate and Vanilla flavors. 2 Uniquely Malaysian pizza flavors, Spicy Sambal and Flaming Tuna were introduced featuring a sambal sauce in place of tomato pizza sauce. 2001: In July Dominos opens Gurney Plaza in The Pearl of the Orient, Penang. A second dessert was added to the local menu with the introduction of CinnaStix a tasty dessert treat of cinnamon bread sticks. The latest oven-hot sensation Chicken Lasagna is introduced. 2002: Banana Kaya Dessert, a delectable offering of kaya, banana slices and icing sugar on a pizza crust, is introduced. A product uniquely Malaysian. 2003: Dominos launches Malaysias first fastfood on line ordering portal (recognized by the Malaysian Book of Records). 2004: Double Decker Crust is launched a base of 2 Crunchy Thin Crust â⠢ with a layer of creamy cheddar cheese sauce sandwiched inbetween. 2005: Dominos partners with Dato George Ting resulting in rapid store expansion. Dominos arrives in Seremban with the opening of its Yam Tuan store. 2006: Dominos opens its second store in Penang, Taman Inderawasih Prai. Syed Zubair Abdul Hamid, a Dominos pizza employee sets a new record for Fastest Pizza Maker, making 3 Large pizzas in 69 seconds. (Recognized by the Malaysian Book of Records). 2007: Dominos celebrates its 10 Year Anniversary. 2008: Dominos Express Card was launched in January, replacing the Millenium Goldcard, this card offers a Buy 1 Pizza Free 1 pizza privilege. The New York crust was introduced to the Malaysian market. This featured the very first extra-large 15-inch pizza by an international franchise pizza brand in Malaysia. 2009: Dominoââ¬â¢s launched its Incredible Meals from RM10 per person. The Terminate Your Hunger campaign brought Dominoââ¬â¢s the Terminator franchise together, a first of its kind collaboration for Dominoââ¬â¢s. RM40,000 was raised for Hope Worldwide Malaysiaââ¬â¢s Food for the Poor program through out charity screening of Terminator Salvation movie. Our Unique Products Reasons why we guarantee youââ¬â¢ll love our Hot Wow Pizzas! 1. Our Crusts Our world famous Classic Hand Tossedâ⠢ and New York crusts are hand stretched from fresh dough 2. Our Sauces Dominoââ¬â¢s Signature Sauce ââ¬â Made from fresh vine-ripened tomatoes Top Secret Sauce ââ¬â An aromatic blend of creamy, cheesy flavors with an unmistakable garlic zest! Spicy Sambal Sauce ââ¬â For those who like a bit of spice in their life! 3. Our Cheese we use generous amounts of 100% mozzarella cheese 4. Our Toppings We top all our pizzas with only the highest quality meats and the freshest ingredients 5. Finally, all our pizzas are made fresh as soon as you place your order Our Guarantees As the Pizza Delivery Expertsâ⠢ what do we offer? Everytime you order Dominoââ¬â¢s, we guarantee you can expect hot, fresh great tasting pizzas on time. | | 30-Minutes Delivery Guarantee! | | Dominoââ¬â¢s is the only pizza company that guarantees your order will arrive within 30 minutes or weââ¬â¢ll give you a free Regular Pizza voucher! | | Product Satisfaction Guarantee| | Dominoââ¬â¢s guarantees satisfaction! Your pizza is guaranteed to be hot, fresh, and great tasting when it arrives at your doorstep, otherwise weââ¬â¢ll replace your order or refund your money. | | 15-Minute Take-Away Guarantee| | Dominos guarantees youll receive your Take-Away orders within 15 minutes or well give you a RM10 off your next pizza purchase voucher| Nett Pricing Dominoââ¬â¢s pricing is all inclusive. We do not add any extra charges for delivery. So what you see is what you pay. No surprises.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
A Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr
A Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr A Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr. was written in the margins of a letter posted by the clergymen of Alabama at this time that sparked his interest and while he inhabited the jail cell for parading around without a permit. This time allowed him the ability to respond wholeheartedly to this cynical oppressing. Kings letter addresses specific points presented in the Clergymens and this direct response distinguishes Kings strong points through his powerful writing. Unethical and immoral mentions came to the attention of the Minister through the letter, and he expressed his differing views and defended his ideals and actions through Aristotles three rhetorical devices, ethos, logos, and pathos. First and foremost, King establishes his credibility to spark off his strong defense. Introducing himself as The President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization operating in every southern state, with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. , [with] eighty-five affiliated organizations across the South, and one of them is the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights (Letter from Birmingham Jail 2). This credential not only puts King into a position of power but also proves that he has seen enough of the south and the problems within it to create a strong argument against his opposition. Another point that establishes this is on page seven of Letter From Birmingham Jail where King states that hes traveled through the length and breadth of Alabama, Mississippi, and all the other southern states. On sweltering summer days and crisp autumn mornings. This quote defends his credibility further because not only did King travel once through these states but multiple t imes in different seasons, and even deeper- in different trials that may have been presented. Moreover, throughout the letter, King references the Bible, presidents, and writers to establish not only his educated mind, but also his passion for righteousness and his stance as a minister. The flawless flow of his passionate response to the Clergymen also presents support for his intellect and knowledge due to keeping a reasonable head and developed grammar while inhabiting a jail cell. Many of the Kings rhetoric used that convinced his credibility to the audience also demonstrated the logic in his counterargument. In a simple paragraph, he effectively proves his point that extremism for a proper cause isnt something to discredit and should not be looked upon as a negative thing, Was not Jesus an extremist for Love,Was not Amos and Extremist of justice, was not Paul an extremist for the Christian gospel, and Abraham Lincoln,and Thomas Jefferson,The Question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be (A Letter from Birmingham Jail 6). After thoroughly tying in many influential figures in history, King then goes on to question the argument of the Clergymen stating that the demonstrations are at fault in Birmingham and not the social situation already simmering. Throughout Alabama all sorts of devious methods are used to prevent Negroes from becoming registered voters, and there are some counties in which,not a single Negro is register ed (Letter from Birmingham Jail 4) This direct attack on the truth of Alabama in this time brings a harsher light to what happens and what is overlooked to many. King then continues to state that it was his parading without a permit (4), that landed him in the jail and while it is completely fine to have such an ordinance,it becomes unjust when it is used to maintain segregation and to deny citizens the First Amendment privilege of peaceful assembly and protest (Letter from Birmingham Jail 4). This direct reference to the constitution of the United States and just and unjust laws and ordinances proves a strong point for Kings Rebuttal, which helps to defend the equal rights movement even further. Throughout the passage, after King addresses his credentials and furthers I through his knowledgeable and strong rebuttals of logic, his argument plays further into the conscious of his audience through well put references and emotional instances. One powerful example of Kings pull on the readers consciousness in his letter is on page three when he refutes the argument of the Clergymen saying that Colored people should just wait. While many words truly stand out, Kings true effect was mastered by the appeal to the parents in the group, When you have to concoct an answer for a five-year-old son who is asking: Daddy, why white people treat colored people so mean (Letter from Birmingham Jail 3)? Then again, humiliation day in and day out by nagging signs (Letter from Birmingham Jail 3) and even further, when you are forever fighting a degenerating sense of nobodiness (Letter from Birmingham Jail 3). Another element that helps support Kings point in his letter is the fervent repetition o f his blatant disappointment in more than simply the clergymen, but their Christian faith and the churches in service within Alabama during this time. King repeats how disappointed he was in the common whites also and their bystander reactions to racial issues. The fact that this man, a minister, beneath the said extremist white clergymen, and inhabiting a jail cell during that time, who was disappointed in people showed a true depth which hit the audience profoundly. (King) These three elements to Martin Luther Kings letter aid it to be the most effective argument against the Clergymens rash and irrational spark of a letter. Because he sought to the demands and claims so logically, and rebutted with passion and clarity, Kings message was put across and he demonstrated what he needed to put his point across and defend his actions and ideals. The strength of this letter allowed a clear voice to hopefully change mindsets and common misconceptions within Birmingham, Alabama and did not allow the irregularities of the Clergymen to cloud minds with incorrect thoughts. Works Cited: King, Martin Luther, Jr. Letter from Birmingham Jail. The Norton Anthology of African American Literature. Ed. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Nellie Y. McKay. New York: Norton, 1997. 1854-66.
Friday, October 25, 2019
2005 State of the Union Address Essay -- essays research papers
After watching the 2005 State of the Union address. I think that the President, Mr. George W. Bush, has made it clear to the Speaker of the House, Vice President, Membe4rs of Congress, and the citizens of the United States that he has a clear plan to improve the welfare of the United States in present days and days to come. The President put forth that he has now a plan for a budget that holds discretionary spending below inflation, makes tax relief permanent, and to cut the deficit in half by the year 2009. The principle to his budget is, ââ¬Å" Taxpayer money must be spent wisely, or not at all.â⬠It was also stated that education is a very important part of this nation and that the standards of the schools need to be raised, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦so every high school diploma is a ticket to success.â⬠Later on he speaks of keeping young children and adolescents out of gangs and dangerous violence and encourages that more people be involved in a childââ¬â¢s life by increasing the number of programs to improve literacy and sports. He told of the nation wide effort to do this that would be lead by the First Lady, Laura Bush. Also so the healthcare and costs of health care for lower income families was brought to attention. The President stated that the costs of healthcare should be made affordable to all families that need it. Stating that it should be available to people of every financial status and that there be a community health care center for every needy community. And that information technology should be improved so that fewer errors are made as well as needless costs. He believes that there should be association health care plans for small business owners and their employees and many measures to decrease healthcare costs. The President talked to the Social Security system and how if it is unreformed that it will only lead to its own bankruptcy. He assured those that are now receiving or will be receiving Social Security in the near future that their Social Security would not be affected in any way. The President would like to prevent the deterioration of the Social Security system. According to the facts provided by the President, as of now there are a diminishing number of workers paying an increasing amount of benefits to an increasing number of retirees. If it continues to be like this in the year 2018 the system would be paying out more than it takes in and in the year 2027... ...S. needs to be kept safe and they recognized the men and women who serve in the unformed services of the United States. The Democrats are shocked though that the President did not and has not thus far put forth a clear plan to end our presence in Iraq. They believe that one the responsibility of Iraqi security should be put in the hands of the Iraqis, two that Iraqââ¬â¢s economy needs to be increasingly developed and lastly that regional diplomacy needs to be intensified. They also announced that although the President acknowledges that there is a threat to national security that he has taken no action to correct it. Also they tell of how the President has failed to present a plan to protect America from terrorism. In summary the Democrats believe that the President has backed up his words with action and that they promise to correct this problem as best they can. In conclusion I agree with the President on many views because it seems to me that he has plans to improve the U.S. for the best. But I believe that even though there are conflicts in the views of the President and the Democrats that there will be a compromise that will result in the improved wellbeing of the United States.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Motivation for Advanced Level Esl Learning Essay
In recent years, TESOL has called for the study of the social and cognitive factors that affect adult English learnersââ¬â¢ participation in formal language learning. Numerous research projects have investigated the motivational influences and factors of adult immigrant English. In particular, factors and motivations which led them to take an advanced ESL courses after already having adequate fluency in English to conduct their work and daily lives. Using both qualitative and quantitative approaches, these studies have frequently uncovered that the ESL students opted to pursue advanced language training to, primarily, join the dominant language culture and community. Practical reasons, although very important to the learners, seem to be outweighed by the psychological drive to integrate into the culture. Social identity often proves to be the major factor in this process as student motivation often fostered by a self perceived difference between their current and desired identities as assimilated speakers of their new language. Fundamentally they saw language education as an essential transitional requisite for attainment of this preferred identity. Introduction The study of TESOL, which can trace its roots applied linguistics, occasionally failed to think about many non-linguistic aspects and situations of use which can influence learning. A large part of this knowledge, though, collected through education and psychology investigations could be applied to the groups of people and areas of interest being considered in TESOL. In places such as California second-language English users make up 63% of the target adult learners and almost a third in the country overall (Lasater and Elliott, 2004). The literature studied below begins by recapping major endeavors of psychology and education investigation so as to establish a baseline of studentââ¬â¢s imperatives to learn. The study later focuses on motivation studies in linguistics related to ESL attainment and advancement. Part 2 Andragogy and Self-Motivation Andragogyà Review of the Literature Adult Learning from a Social Cognitive Perspective The foundation of adult learning theory was established in Lindeman (1926) who identified important distinctions between adult and child learning. These ideas were later developed by Knowles (1990) and constitute the hypothetical learning model dubbed andragogy. Andragogy, a mode of education starkly contrary pedagogy, which is characterized by children being instructed by adults in a directed and authoritarian environment. Knowles posited that because of significant psychological and physiological differences between youth and adult learners, the modes of educational motivation must be equally disparate. Knowlesââ¬â¢s teachings are very well regarded in the education worldwide. Psychological metamorphosis in adult life, human factors brought to the learning situation, adult outside world demands, and life duties distinct from childrenââ¬â¢s, particularly a greater breadth of life encounters, varied incentives, and educational requirements all act in concert to create a distinctly different mode of motivation for adult learners. In particular, adult learning, per Knowles (1990), is predicated upon six vital components: 1. Justification for learning, that is, the rationale for desiring the education, before pursuing it. 2. Transformation of the adult concept of the self into that of an independent, self-directed human being. 3. Life experience that influences the adult body of accumulated knowledge, desires as well as being a component factor of self awareness. 4. Developmental willingness and practical feasibility relating to the synchronized pacing of learning experiences to their appropriate phases of emotional maturation. . Problem-centered approach of learning which can immediately be applied to real-life situations. 6. Self-motivation to learn by self-generated factors, as opposed to externally imposed requirements Kolb (1984) offered an expanded depiction of the process as a self-perpetuating process where actual events necessitate a review, analysis leading to later research and proper scientific revi ew. The learnerââ¬â¢s assimilation into a different culture and society facilitates creation of educational desires with eventual engagement in a formalized educational environment as a key to attaining the desires. Learning occurs in myriad encounters/interactions with the studentââ¬â¢s world in psychological process. In a social context, the actual knowledge gained is not so much seen as an acquisition but more as one of externalization. A way to get out of oneââ¬â¢s self and into their new environment. Cognition of facts occurs which is a pro-active, relevant, and meaningful adult response to confusion created by previous discontinuity. A disjuncture can serve as ââ¬Å"the point at which needs and wants and interests convergeâ⬠. as well as an origin point for jumping into the learning process. By extending this idea to immigrant experiences, it seems as though basic everyday activity changes caused from immersion in a society which communicates in a foreign tongue, and made all the more real by the imperative to become functional in this society, can create disjuncture in their lives and compel them to pursue ESL education so as to not be overwhelmed. While many will pursue language education at once, others may find that language disjunctures happen later in their lives when greater proficiency beyond basic functional skills is required for a variety of reasons. Knowledge deficits plus a developed self-concept grounded within a cultural milieu can generate pressing need ââ¬â a need to learn. Self-Motivation There are many different definitions for Motivation. In an educational context, one of the more comprehensive and useful definitions is from John Kellerââ¬â¢s 1983 publication called Motivational Design of Instruction: ââ¬Å"the choices people make as to what experiences or goals they will approach or avoid, and the degree of effort they will exert in that respectâ⬠(Keller, 1983). Motivation is mercurial in nature. Keller identified a perception of applicability of the learning presented as fundamental for maintaining long-term motivation. Relevance exceeds the subjectââ¬â¢s education requirements to encompass perceptions of satisfaction desired through the process in fulfilling psychological imperative senses of achievement, belonging, power and freedom. Encountering disappointment during a learning situation can dissipate motivation and possible cause learned helplessness (Bandura, 1982; deCharms, 1984; Weiner, 1984) or dismotivation going beyond mere discouragement. Educational psychology accepts that motivation also varies because of varied contexts in which learning occurs. Studies have brought to light additional connections between the act of learning a language and the evolving perspective of learners in the L2 environment. Peirce (1995) introduced the idea that acquisition of proficiency in a dominant language allowed learnersr to ââ¬Å"acquire a wider range of symbolic and material resources [and] increase the value of [the learnersââ¬â¢] cultural capitalâ⬠. Sfard & Prusak (2005) insinuated that the learning itself is closing the gap between learnersââ¬â¢ actual and projected identities. Qualitative studies offer a model of language learning motivation which is dynamic, longitudinal process whereby learnersââ¬â¢ cognitions and beliefs (Ushioda, 2001), and relevance of the curriculum to their interests (Syed, 2001) directly affect involvement in learning. Part 3 Language Learners vs Second Language Learners Linguists only recently have begun distinguishing foreign language students from second language students when studying their drive to pursue language education and have proposed ââ¬Å"the dynamics involved in learning these two different types of language may be quite differentâ⬠(Gardner, 2001). To date, the great majority of these studies are in foreign language (FL) classes. Gardenerââ¬â¢s quote was actually taken from a volume containing 20 separate motivation studies, none of which contained ESL students. ESL students, for whom English was a gateway ability for study in different subjects or earning a university degree, were more compelled by exterior forces to learn than heritage and non-heritage EFL learners. A motivation survey of 580 adult immigrants at a local college based ESL program in Toronto rated the following motives highest: linguistic needs, basic skills, cultural awareness, social interaction, and resume writing (Paper, 1990). It found no significant difference in motives based age, duration of residence or level of education. The influence of integrative orientation in the data compelled the author to recommend including Canadian culture in the curriculum. Conscious intention of immigrating to the U. S. was another motivating factor for language learning in a separate exploration conducted on adult learners (Brilliant, Lvovich, and Markson, 1995). Studentââ¬â¢s beliefs seem to fill a vital role in adult learning accomplishments, consistent with educational psychology, thus making them ideal subjects for motivation research. A particular study, Bernat (2003), examined the views of 20 unemployed Vietnamese learners in a vocational ESL course in Sydney, Australia. Their scores were high on two motivations: 85% of respondents expressed the integrative desire to develop their interpersonal relations with the Australians better and make friends among them, and all agreed that speaking English well would enhance their prospects for employment. Part 4 The Attitude Motivation Test Battery (AMTB)à This is a large battery of tests which measures a number of different aspects of language learning. The instrument was originally used to measure attitudes of students studying English and French in Canada. Scales included attitudes toward French Canadians, interest in foreign languages, attitudes toward European French people, attitudes toward learning French, integrative orientation, instrumental orientation, anxiety, parental encouragement, motivational intensity, and desire to learn French. The scale instrument has been modified more recently. The Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) is designed to measure different components of the socio-educational model of SLA. There are eleven sub-tests, nine with ten items each, and two with four items. The five main variables assessed in the AMTB are attitudes toward the learning situation, integrativeness, motivation, instrumentality and language anxiety.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Analyse the Role and Impact of Fiscal Policy
Traditionally, the Australian government has attempted to achieve its economic objectives through the implementation of macroeconomic policies especially fiscal policy (the budget). Fiscal policy (FP) is a macroeconomic management policy as it plays a critical role in influencing the level of aggregate demand (AD) in the economy. It aids the government in achieving its economic objectives, of managing and stabilising the business cycle so that the economy experiences internal balance (price stability & full employment), external stability (management of CAD, financing import expenses with export income and the ability to service our debt) and relatively stable economic growth. Graph Fiscal policy deals with the governmentââ¬â¢s use of government expenditure (G) and taxation (T) i. . the budget outcome to influence (AD) and resource allocation and income distribution. Fiscal policy is all about budgetary outcomes as they give an indication on the state of the economy; the 3 outcomes are neutral, expansionary and the governmentââ¬â¢s current contractionary stance where government revenue is greater than expenditure. A contractionary stance may be used to slow the rate of economic growth and aid in reducing inflationary pressures. Within the budget there is a cyclical and a structural component. The structural discretionary component is the deliberate change to government revenue and taxation and the cyclical non-discretionary component involves the changes to government spending caused by changes in economic activity. The budget has deteriorated significantly on the back of a strong Australian dollar (AUD), falling terms of trade, plateauing of the mining boom and subdued consumer confidence resulting in a budget deficit of $19. b for 2012-13 and is forecasted for a deficit of $18b for 2013-14. The first economic objective is economic growth which aims to increase real income and spread the benefits of the mining boom and increase income distribution. In this budget the government has taken up a mildly contractionary stance delaying its short term goal of a budget surplus as it balances its commitment to fiscal consolidation against possible weaknesses in economic activity, increased unemployment and a lack o f investment and growth. This stance allows the government to gradually serviceââ¬â¢s its debt and return to surplus by 2016-17 as it realises slowdowns in the economy as the mining boom has moved of its peak and has plateaued along with commodity prices. The end of the mining boom will see Australia move from mining back to the services sector where around 75% of labour is employed, this transition will see E. G grow below trend (3-4%) at 2. 75% in 2013-14 before returning to 3% by 2014-15. To ensure long term sustainable E. G the government will implemented key structural reforms like ââ¬ËGONSKIââ¬â¢ ($9. 8b), ââ¬ËNBNââ¬â¢ ($37. 4b), ââ¬ËNDISââ¬â¢ ($14. 3b) and the National Building Program (NBP $24b). They aim to improve the nationââ¬â¢s productive capacity by boosting human capital, infrastructure capacity, labour productivity levels and reduce capacity constraints restraining allowing Australia to capitalise on growth in Asia. To fund these reforms the government has found $43b in savings over the next 4years and they include the abolition of the baby bonus ($4. b), increase in the Medicare levy ($11. 8b) and deferring income tax cuts ($1. 5b). By abolishing the baby bonus and the family tax benefits in the short run it leads to income inequality and a lower standard of living. Internal balance is another economic objective which looks at price stability by maintaining low inflationary pressures ensuring sustainable economic growth and full employment of the factors of production especially labour. The governmentââ¬â¢s planned return to surplus by 2016-17 can be achieved by adopting a contractionary stance by reducing (G) in (AD). By reducing (G) it helps keep demand pull inflation down keeping to the RBAââ¬â¢s target band of 3-4%, low inflation is beneficial for our external balance especially exports and also keeps E. G at sustainable levels. Two major government reforms are GONSKI which aims to improve educational and human capital levels and NDIS which looks to return the disabled into the workforce to increase employment levels. A govââ¬â¢t instrument used to control internal balance and smooth out fluctuations in the business cycle are automatic stabilisers which are a cyclical component as itââ¬â¢s used according to various economic conditions. The two auto-stabilisers are progressive taxation meaning that when workers start earning more they move into higher tax brackets paying more tax and welfare payments which are handed out to the unemployed to help stimulate growth during a downturn in the business cycle, they are used to help the even distribution of income and improve our gini-coefficient. Graph The final objective is external balance which is the ability of Australia to manage the CAD by financing import costs with export revenue as well as paying off debt. As the CAD may be deemed unsustainable if it exceeds 5% of GDP which may lead to a debt trap, Australiaââ¬â¢s debt to GDP ratio stands at 1. 3% significantly lower than other advanced nations. Australiaââ¬â¢s persistent CADââ¬â¢s is a result of our narrow export base as we as the structural problem of low domestic savings. A narrow export base contributes to our CAD as domestic industries esp. the manufacturing isnââ¬â¢t internationally competitive. To address this issue the government has taken to fiscal consolidation to attempt to increase national savings and reduce the savings investment gap as well as reduce inflationary pressures resulting in cheaper exports and reforms such as ââ¬Å"NBNâ⬠and ââ¬Å"NBPâ⬠look to reallocate resources to more efficient industries and improve out international competitiveness. These policies and reforms help increase savings and revenue hence reducing our reliance on foreign capital and investment will help reduce our foreign liabilities; however delaying the return to surplus means we have increased foreign liabilities and servicing costs. The govtââ¬â¢s mildly contractionary stance aims to achieve its economic objectives of sustainable growth, internal and external balances. Through new reforms they are able to boost economic activity, resource allocation and distribution of income. ââ¬Å"GONSKIâ⬠aims at improving our nationââ¬â¢s productive capacity to capitalise on growth in Asia and provide long term sustainable growth. Resources reallocated into the ââ¬Å"NBNâ⬠and ââ¬Å"NBPâ⬠to increase productivity and international competitiveness as well as internal and external balances. The ââ¬Å"NDISâ⬠funded by the increased Medicare levy is an example of distribution of income. By delaying the return to surplus it doesnââ¬â¢t stall the economy as it goes through a transition period from mining to services, although the unemployment rate has risen to 5. 8% it still remains at low. However it does mean an increased CAD and external balance. So the 2013-14 budget has been effective in achieving the governmentââ¬â¢s economic objective.
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